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On October 24, 1987, a time where most women were just stay at home mums and being Filipinos, homesickness can curl in to you in no time. In those days, phone landlines were the only way of contacting other Filipinos in Dunedin, so whenever they have time to catch up and avoid home sickness, a group of Filipino women had an epiphany. These group of Filipino women decided to discuss of organising a club so they can be able to participate in the cultural and community activities in Dunedin. With a lot of researched and brainstorming, they've created Dunedin Philippine Club, Incorporated or DPCI. Since then, they have performed and showcased Filipino culture and traditions throughout Dunedin. Getting invited to different events to perform. Up to this time, Committee members and volunteers of DPCI continues to uphold this service to Filipino people and following their mission and objectives to the letter, without even asking for anything in return. Their dedication to the Filipino people is something to be applaude for.

Credits to: Letty de Bono, Lorna Millar, Novelia Goodman and June Dulay Watt for giving me some time to know the history on how DPCI started - Lynneth MacDonald

  • To promote harmony and social cohesion among the Filipino community through various cultural, spiritual, educational, recreational, sporting, social and other community activities organised by the Filipino community. 

  • To unite the Filipino community in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship, mutual understanding, and respect. 

  • To support those in the Filipino community in need. 

  • To act as the point of contact for new Filipino migrants. 

  • To keep the Filipino cultural heritage and traditional identity alive.  

  • To liaise with the Philippine Embassy. 

  • To encourage Filipinos to excel in commerce, industry, professions, public works and private endeavours and promote high ethical standards. 

  • To provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters that could affect the Filipino community; by connecting the Filipino community with local and national New Zealand government in consultation and feedback. 

  • To facilitate opportunities that strengthen the ties between Filipinos and the Dunedin community. 


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